HVAC in a Heat wave

HVAC in a Heat wave

A simple definition of a heat wave is a period of extreme heat that lasts two or more days.  Heat wave temperatures are well above the historical averages for a given area.  This means what is considered a heat wave in New Jersey may be a beautiful summer day in...
Complimentary energy audit

Complimentary energy audit

Before the energy assessor visits your house, make a list of any existing problems such as condensation and uncomfortable or drafty rooms.  Have copies or a summary of the home’s yearly energy bills.  Your utility may be able to provide these to you or you may...
Duct tape and air conditioning

Duct tape and air conditioning

There are many things that live up to their name, unfortunately duct tape is not one of them. While duct tape has many uses—wart removal is one that comes to mind—this sticky substance should never be used to seal your ducts.  Our customers constantly ask questions...
Condenser for air conditioning

Condenser for air conditioning

The air conditioner condenser is the outside unit that receives high-pressure, hot refrigerant from the compressor and allows it to cool by flowing through a set of coils.  By the time the air reaches the end of the coils, it is still a pressurized liquid, but the...