Renovating an older home

Renovating an older home

From the structure of your home to the layout and floor plan, there is a lot to consider when factoring in how much you are going to be putting into renovating your old home.  The home may need significant structural improvements, it is important to get an inspection...
Furnace prepare for winter

Furnace prepare for winter

Game of Thrones fans are well aware of the expression “Winter is Coming.”  Homeowners, even those who’ve never watched the show or read the books, need to heed the same warning.  Winter is coming.  Temperatures are dropping.  An efficiently running furnace helps you...


Fish got to swim, and birds got to fly, but furnaces need to breathe to operate correctly.  Your furnace filter operates all year long through both the heating and cooling season and is most often located where the air returning to the furnace enters at the bottom...